What to know about Motel 6 franchise SBA loans
Motel 6 franchises project state SBA 7(a) loan approvals in 2020.
Motel 6 Franchise SBA Lending Highlights
2020 Year End
24 lenders approved 49 SBA 7(a) loans for $154,570,400. The average loan approval amount in 2020 was $3,154,498. SBA loans were approved to borrowers from 45 cities for projects in 16 states.
123 lenders approved 358 SBA 7(a) loans for $737,346,200. SBA loans were approved for borrowers from 277 cities, for projects in 40 states, with an average loan approval amount of $2,059,626.
SBA Rankings
#8 ranking in 2020 for all franchises in SBA loan approvals and #1 in approval amounts. For 2020 franchise loans in the Hotels and Motels industry Motel 6 ranks #2 for loan approvals and #1 for approval amounts.
Charge-offs (Defaults)
0.89% of loans were charged-off by SBA lenders for the 10-Year Period Ending 2019.
1.03% of loans were charged-off by SBA lenders for the 10-Year Period Ending 2018.
The difference between a charge-off and a default, and the SBA loan default paradox
Read our free SBA Franchise Report for Motel 6 for a full report, but below are a few highlights:
Historical SBA 7(a) Lending
Motel 6 Franchises
2020 Top 25 Franchise Brands
Hotels and Motels SBA 7(a) Loans
Loan Approvals
Approval Amounts
2020 Top 25 SBA Lenders
Motel 6 Franchise Loans
Loan Approvals
Approved Amounts
SBA 7(a) Lending Forecast
Our forecast model projects Motel 6 2021 franchise SBA approvals at $146 million and for the Hotels and Motels industry we project $1.5 billion in SBA 7(a) approvals in 2021.
SBA Forecast: Motel 6
SBA Forecast: Hotels and Motels
See our full (and free) SBA report on Motel 6
This report has about everything a small business owner would want to know about SBA 7(a) loans to Motel 6 franchise businesses. See the top rankings, lenders, loan amounts, default data, forecasts, the top project states and borrower cities, and more.