Is Enterprise Bank & Trust a good match for your SBA loan?
Enterprise Bank & Trust project state SBA 7(a) loan approvals in 2020.
Enterprise Bank & Trust Highlights
For 2020 Enterprise Bank & Trust ranks #19 for loan approvals and #7 for approval amounts. Enterprise Bank & Trust also ranks #16 in approval amounts to franchise businesses in 2020.
All-time Enterprise Bank & Trust has approved 4,052 SBA 7(a) loans for over $3.1 billion. Enterprise Bank & Trust approved borrowers from 815 cities, for projects in 37 states, in 501 industries, and for 142 franchise brands.
In 2020 Enterprise Bank & Trust approved 305 SBA 7(a) loans for $340,942,524. The average loan approval amount was $1,117,844. Enterprise Bank & Trust approved borrowers from 175 cities, for projects in 29 states, in 142 industries, and for 22 franchise brands.
For franchise branded businesses, Enterprise Bank & Trust approved 34 loans for $57,526,200 with an average loan amount of $1,691,947.
Enterprise Bank & Trust’s SBA loan approvals in 2020 represent 3,459 small business jobs supported or saved.
Our forecast model projects Enterprise Bank & Trust approving $343 million for SBA 7(a) loans in 2021.
Read our SBA Lender page on Enterprise Bank & Trust for their full report, but below are a few highlights:
Enterprise Bank & Trust Historical SBA 7(a) Lending
Enterprise Bank & Trust Loan Approvals
2020 Top 25 Business Industries
Enterprise Bank & Trust approved the most loans for the Investment Advice industry followed by Limited-Service Restaurants, Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores, and Full-Service Restaurants. Enterprise Bank & Trust approved SBA loans for 171 different industries in 2020.
Enterprise Bank & Trust is focused on the bigger loans
Enterprise Bank & Trust’s average SBA loan approval amount in 2020 was $1,117,844.
2.3% of approved loans in 2020 were for loan amounts up to $150,000.
12.79% of approved loans in 2020 were for loan amounts up to $350,000.
45.25% of approved loans in 2020 were for loan amounts from $350,001 to $1 million.
36.06% of approved loans in 2020 were for loan amounts over $1 million.
13.11% of loan approvals were for multi-million loan amounts.
Enterprise Bank & Trust is the #7 Ranked National SBA Lender
For 2020 Enterprise Bank & Trust ranks #19 for loan approvals and #7 for approval amounts.
In 2020 Enterprise Bank & Trust approved 305 SBA 7(a) loans for $340,942,524
Enterprise Bank & Trust’s average loan approval amount was $1,117,844.
In 2020 Enterprise Bank & Trust approved borrowers from 175 cities, for projects in 29 states, in 142 industries, and for 22 franchise brands.
Enterprise Bank & Trust is the #16 Ranked National SBA Franchise Lender
For franchise branded businesses, Enterprise Bank & Trust ranks #16 for approval amounts in 2020.
Enterprise Bank & Trust approved 34 loans in 2020 for 22 different franchise brands for $57,526,200 with an average loan amount of $1,691,947.
For franchise branded businesses in 2020, Enterprise Bank & Trust approved borrowers from 25 cities, for projects in 15 states, for 8 industries.
See our full (and free) SBA report on Enterprise Bank & Trust
This report has about everything a small business owner would want to know to determine if Enterprise Bank & Trust would be a good match for an SBA loan. See how Enterprise Bank & Trust ranks in multiple SBA loan categories, our SBA lending forecasts for Enterprise Bank & Trust , the top 25 industries and franchise brands Enterprise Bank & Trust approved loans with, and the top project states and borrower cities.