Is Celtic Bank a good match for your SBA loan?
Celtic Bank’s project state SBA 7(a) loan approvals in 2020.
Celtic Bank Highlights
Celtic Bank has provided SBA 7(a) loans since 1995. For 2020 YE (Year End) they were the #11 SBA lender for loan approvals and ranked #3 in approval amounts. They are also the #8 SBA lender for loan approvals and #3 in approval amounts for franchise business approvals.
All-time Celtic Bank has approved 9,898 SBA loans for $4,408,566,340. They approved borrowers from 2,863 cities, for projects in 50 states, in 696 industries, and for 625 franchise brands.
In 2020 Celtic Bank approved 476 SBA loans for $558,552,300. The average loan approval amount in 2020 was $1,173,429.
Celtic Bank approved borrowers from 341 cities, for projects in 42 states, in 145 industries, and for 62 franchise brands. Their average loan approval amount to franchise businesses was $1,993,585 in 2020.
Our forecast model projects Celtic Bank approving $575 million for SBA 7(a) loans in 2021.
Read our SBA Lender page on Celtic Bank for their full report, but below are a few highlights:
Celtic Bank Historical SBA 7(a) Lending
Celtic Bank Loan Approvals
2020 Top 25 Business Industries
Celtic Bank approved the most loans for the Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores industry followed by Hotels and Motels industry and Car Washes. Celtic Bank approved SBA 7(a) loans for 145 different industries in 2020.
Celtic Bank Loan Amounts
Celtic Bank’s average SBA loan approval amount in 2020 was $1,173,429.
35% of all Celtic Bank approved loans in 2020 were for loan amounts up to $350,000.
12.61% of all Celtic Bank approved loans in 2020 were for loan amounts up to $150,000.
Less than 36% of Celtic Bank’s approved loans in 2020 were for loan amounts over $1 million.
18% of Celtic Bank’s loan approvals were for multi-million loan amounts.
Celtic Bank is the #3 Ranked National SBA Lender
For 2020 Celtic Bank ranks #11 in number of loan approvals and #3 for approval amounts.
In 2020 Celtic Bank approved 476 SBA loans for $558,552,300.
Celtic Bank’s average loan approval amount was $1,173,429.
In 2020 Celtic Bank approved borrowers from 341 cities, for projects in 42 states, in 145 industries, and for 62 franchise brands.
Celtic Bank is the #3 Ranked National SBA Franchise Lender
For franchise branded businesses, Celtic Bank ranks #2 in number of loan approvals and #17 for approval amounts in 2020.
Celtic Bank approved 93 loans in 2020 for 62 different franchise brands for $185,403,400 with an average loan amount of $1,993,585.
See our full (and free) SBA report on Celtic Bank
This report has about everything a small business owner would want to know to determine if Celtic Bank would be a good match for an SBA loan. See how Celtic Bank ranks in multiple SBA loan categories, our SBA lending forecasts for Celtic Bank, the top 25 industries and franchise brands Celtic Bank approved loans with, the top project states and borrower cities, and more.